Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Terrific interview with Untold, Graham Best, Shortstuff, xxxy and Vistaon Resident Advisor: The state of bass: A roundtable discussion

"Graham Best: Vinyl's sort of like a totemic thing. Like "I'm into this sound and I'm going to support it," and that's why people buy vinyl..."

"Shortstuff: From a production point of view, although I try and fight it, I do find that the more I've played out, the more I have at the back of my mind this kind of weird voice going, "How will that work on the dance floor?" I remember reading about it, and people talking about Dillinja in particular, and what Dillinja did before he got big, and what became of Dillinja, because the more he played out, the more he saw what went off and then that perpetuated his sound. I do find that happening and it's hard to avoid..."

Read it here

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