Monday, October 01, 2007

Appleblim & Shackleton

1) 5th of October


Appleblim (Skull Disco / FWD>> - UK)
Grimelock (Stainage / B)
BunZer0 feat Mr Jo (Sub Fm / Sub Stance - B)

236 RUE ROYALE, Bruxelles, 1000.
FREE Entrance !

2) 6th of October


Shackleton Live ! (Skull Disco / UK)
BunZer0 (Sub Fm / Sub Stance - B).
Nadir (B)

50 Quai des Péniches 1000 Bruxelles.
4 euros

Dubstepforum topic

We gonna do a lil' warming up at Place Sint-Catherine//Sint-Katelijne plein. So dont be scared to come and say hello....

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